One On One Healing

Due to COVID-19, all sessions are conducted long distance. Results continue to be the same.

Please go to our Distance Healing page to prepare for our sessions.

Thank you. Stay safe,


The Bioenergy treatment will take 20 to 60 minutes depending on the issues you bring for treatment. During this time, we will go through a number of routines that are designed to balance out the energy in your body. During treatments, you may experience degrees of warmth or coolness, relaxation, electricity, pressure, magnetism, or a gentle breeze. Most clients do. Others may feel a slight tingle in their hands.

One-on-one healing is done for four sessions and is usually repeated in additional four-day sessions depending on the severity of your dis-ease or injury.

Changes in the way you feel will often occur in the first treatment session and incremental changes should occur in subsequent sessions. Some people will find that their issues are resolved in one four-day session. Most people need additional sessions and severe issues, such as cancer, may take quite a few sessions to see results.

At the end of each session, We will discuss how you are feeling, do some additional treatment if it seems appropriate, and confirm with you when our next appointment will be.

If you have more questions, feel free to contact me at (416) 203-2744 or at

Take care,


Because of COVID-19 we now meet with you online.

The cost of one-on-one treatments are the same as for long-distance treatments with four sessions of treatments needed to experience the full healing effects. Our one-on one treatments are done in our office near Front Street and Jarvis Street, in downtown Toronto.

Payments can be made through Interac etransfer (Canada only), by cheque, by cash or through PayPal. If paying via PayPal, a 3% surcharge will apply.

Because treatments may transpire over four weeks, I’ve broken down the cost for each session. The new pricing structure also allows for flexibility as your last session may only require 30-minutes while the first two may require the full hour.

One-on-One and Distance Treatment Costs

  • 30 mins or less $90 including HST
  • 31 to 60 minutes $130 including HST

AT wrote about her granddaughter – “Our perfectly healthy and extremely active, energetic and athletic (almost) two-year old granddaughter has developed arthritis shortly following the flu shot and varicella vaccine given to her on the same day, at the end of October.” Ellen treated the granddaughter’s left knee and one of her toes, for three four-day sessions over a period of several months, and AT wrote in two emails about a month apart:

"In short, she is doing very well. Following the session with you, she regained her energy, and her energy level is certainly up, comparable to her running around before her vaccination. Her appetite is back as well, and she started gaining some weight, after months of not gaining a gram. Her left knee is also much better and is getting comparable range of motion as the right knee."

"Today, we learned that both of her blood work results for inflammatory markers were completely normal. This certainly made us very happy. We sincerely thank you for your help with this!"


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