Be the change for healing

Categories: Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Message

Be the change for healing

Dear Readers,

From my writings, you can tell these last five months have me wondering about our world today and what it will be like tomorrow. We are surrounded by dire headlines, protests, and disasters all over the world — natural and man-made. The results are emotional and physical chaos for us and mother earth.

My hope is that we will be able to take advantage of these times resulting in huge CHANGE. I also hope that out of this emotional, physical, and spiritual chaos — we can move into a period of great transition.

So now what do we do?

To my mind, we need to

“Be the change we want in this world.”

If we want a sustainable change, we must first heal ourselves and that means loving and being more compassionate to ourselves. Science shows that for best results, treat yourself like you would treat a trusted friend.

This article on change and self-compassion can help. Check it out at Greater Good Magazine.

What do we want?

Let’s facilitate these unprecedented times as a turning point to

    • a more accepting and reciprocal world order,
    • a deeper belief that everyone is our equal, and
    • an appreciation for what a person has to offer the world — big and small.

Let’s live and work for the greater good of humanity. Like I said last month, It’s survival of the Kindest.

What we have learned

One thing that the pandemic has taught us is the importance of front-line workers. From trash haulers to store clerks to delivery drivers to doctors – we’re all important to keep our community safe, clean, and profitable for all. By “all” I mean every one of us — regardless of our race, gender, faith, and any other differences we may have.

Another item I hope everyone understands better is that we are one world. We can no longer shut our borders, build fences, and do our own thing. A nation’s actions of sacrificing nature and people are felt around the world.

Now more than ever I believe we understand that we are all — in it together.

The Birth of a Nation

Sikh activist, lawyer, and Revolutionary Love Project founder, Valarie Kaur gave a powerful speech at a New Year’s watch party on December 31, 2016. It was a prayer for America — and is appropriate for any nation in the world.

She blew me away with her insight. Kaur brings in a whole other layer to Survival of the Kindest.

Kaur asks us not to look at our future as dark, but rather as a labor of love. Instead of a tomb that kills us, it is a womb that’s nurturing us. At this moment in time, we are in labour. We are preparing for our birth – of a new world. Kaur tells us to actively push through the fire of hate and breathe in the power of love.

Kaur’s website declares that

“Love is a force for social justice.”

I found the transcript of Kaur’s speech in a Washington Post’s article about it at “Breath! Push!” Watch this Sikh activist’s powerful prayer for America. Check it out if you want to understand her message fully. Hit the play button to watch her prayer.

Love and Kindness

If each of us actively works in harmony to make this world a better place, we can lead our nations to the real natural order of communities — survival of the kindness.

In Kaur’s Ted Talk, 3 Lessons of revolutionary love in a time of rage, Kaur describes the three areas in which we must love fully – ourselves, others, and our opponents.

She asks us to “know no stranger.” Kaur warns that when we see people as “bodies” and not as our brothers and sisters, it becomes easier to accept policies “…that neglect them, that incarcerate them, that kill them.”

If we look at everyone as our sister, brother, uncle, or our aunt – we will listen to their stories. Through their stories we will get to know them. They no longer are strange to us. Sage advice.

Now when these same people need healing, we can tend to their wounds to help them heal. Even the people who have hurt you. Now you know their stories. Now they are your brothers and sisters.

You can help people heal. Know that is what I do. The more of us out helping others to heal, the better the world will be.

With love and kindness for everyone – no matter the colour, no matter the country – everyone is valuable. Everyone is equal. This includes you and me – all of us. As Kaur reminds us — we must “breathe and push” to love ourselves. We must push our nations to love everyone. We must change.

A Sikh prayer

Kaur began and ended her speech with a prayer. I want to pass it on in its translation.

“The beloved community belongs to divine Oneness, and so does all that it achieves.”

Take care. Be kind. Love all.

~ Ellen


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