Last June I took a very special road trip. My husband, John, and I drove to Abingdon, Virginia so that I could take a dowsing workshop with Raymon Grace.
I have known about Raymon Grace for years. I’ve read a couple of his books and I’m on his mailing list. I like him and what he does. He’s the one who introduced me to Willie Nelson’s new song, Energy Follows Thought.
When I saw there was a dowsing workshop that I could actually attend — I jumped at the chance!
The road trip to and from Toronto and Virginia was very long, very beautiful, and well worth it. On the way home, we visited Frank Lloyd Wright’s house, Fallingwater in Pennsylvania. John and I both felt the design was spectacular, and the setting incredible.
We highly recommend you go if you ever have the opportunity. I’ve attached a couple pictures that we took.
Raymon Grace
The dowsing workshop was fascinating, and Raymon Grace is a very interesting man as well.
Raymon has been dowsing for a long time. He got interested in dowsing because he was interested in what our minds can do. He uses dowsing to heal dis-eases, remove negative entities, and solve any issue that you can imagine. Today he mostly works remotely.
You can see that he looks like a cowboy who openly carries a gun and a knife.
Raymon made it clear that you can use anything as a pendulum for dowsing. A pendulum is just a tool, nothing more. The work is all done through intention.
He uses a .45 caliber bullet on a chain for his pendulum.
The Dowsing Workshop
Here’s a Dowsing Chart. This one can be downloaded for free from Raymon Grace’s website.

Download this Dowsing Chart from Raymon Grace for Free.
The class had amazing energy. There were about 30 of us students, some from as far away as Ireland. For many students it was the second or third time attending. I think that what he teaches is almost unbelievable, so that it’s best to hear it again and again.
The class consisted of Raymon Grace teaching, demonstrating, and recounting some of the more amazing things he has been able to do with his pendulum and intention.
On the first day of our workshop a guest speaker, who has worked with Raymon for many years, told us how Raymon helped him avoid bankruptcy and to get out of debt completely. You could tell he admired Raymon immensely. The guest speaker also explained how he charges his water so that it contains all the vitamins and minerals his body needs.
Raymon Grace has cleaned water all over the world, removed arsenic from water (which was verified by laboratory testing), and even saved a friend’s alfalfa fields. The list is endless, and I suggest you check him out online.
With each example he gave, Raymon would explain how he did it. Fascinating.
Beyond the Workshop
He has many YouTube videos on his Raymon Grace channel where he presents much of what he taught us in the workshop including this Dowsing 101 video.
He’s also written three books you can purchase from his website – hardcopy or digital download.
As I practice what I learned
Ever since my return, I have been practicing every day. I enjoy the work and loved the workshop. Who knows? I may be one of those students who attend multiple times.
Take care of yourself. Know that I am here to help you heal. Every day you live with your pain or dis-ease is just one more day of missing out on your life. Give me a call at 1+416-203-2744 or email me at