Meet the Teacher — Ellen Lewinberg

Categories: Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Transformation, Workshop Announcements

Ellen Lewinberg — the Teacher

Ellen Lewinberg has had several careers in her life. She began work as a social worker in South Africa. She continued her training in England, earning a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science. After moving to Canada, Ellen studied to become a psychoanalyst and treated both children and adults in a private practice for more than twenty-nine years.

Ellen Lewinberg hiking in a local park walking up stairs

Hiking in a local park, Ellen climbs the stairs.

Following a health crisis in 2002 with cancer, Ellen slowed down a little and changed her focus. This change had her opening a flower shop. At the same time, she learned Reiki and began healing naturally with bioenergy. Later Ellen completed certification courses as a bioenergy healer.

Bioenergy Therapy

The bioenergy healing process impressed Ellen so that she started introducing bioenergy healing to her clients in her psychoanalytic practice. It delighted her that bioenergy therapy worked so well with her clients – so much so that many of her psychoanalytic clients felt ready to end therapy. Subsequently Ellen closed her psychoanalytic practice in 2011 to focus on her bioenergy healing practice.

Ellen’s passions are reading, gardening, and walking in nature.

Ellen reads voraciously about bioenergy healing and related fields such as meditation, neuroscience, nutrition, and nature with her favorite nature subjects being water and trees.

Much of the recent (peer reviewed) research that she reads continues to support bioenergy healing for many different dis-eases. Bioenergy therapy is an ancient form of natural healing that has helped people for many centuries.  Ellen incorporates many aspects of what she learns into her bioenergy practice and teachings.

Ellen Lewinberg looking at dresses made from plants and flowers

Surrounded by concrete Ellen finds a show of mannequins dressed in flowers and plants.

Ellen as Teacher

Ellen has been teaching bioenergy healing workshops for many years. For the most part, they are held each spring and fall in Toronto but she has also taught in the United States and Australia.

Ellen is a firm believer in the importance of fostering a positive and supportive learning environment for her workshops. Student comments include “exceeded expectations,” “easy to understand,” and “a tremendous amount of learning.” Workshop students specifically have mentioned the quality of the handouts Ellen provides. The handouts help students remember the healing techniques after the workshop ends.

Spring 2023 Workshop

Ellen Lewinberg in front of a waterfall

Ellen by waterfall.

Join Ellen in helping to make a better world; become a Bioenergy Healer.

May 6, 7, and 8, 2023
Toronto, Canada
1 416-203-2744

Find more about Ellen on our Who We Are – Healing Transformation page and on LinkedIn.

Find out more about our Bioenergy Healer Workshop, including our schedule and registration form.

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