Dear Readers,
The following blog is adapted from my September eNewsletter. I want to share it here with you. I hope all is well.
Autumnal Musings
The spring and fall seasons of change always bring me feelings of hope. Seeing how nature adapts to each passing phase makes me marvel at it all.
Self- isolation
This summer has been a warm one. We have stayed at home so much more and, I feel extremely blessed for our large deck. The size alone has enabled me to grow all sorts of plants and vegetables in the middle of downtown Toronto. Plus, with so much time at home, I have been able to be very attentive to their needs. As a result, we have a wonderful lush place to sit while relaxing and fresh vegetables to eat with our meals.
Letting our planet heal
While spending more time on our deck, I noticed the reduction in air pollution because of the pandemic. The change was drastic, especially in the beginning. This cleaner air has continued somewhat, even though there are more cars on the road again. These last few months have shown us how quickly the environment can be healed when we disrupt and reduce our destructive actions.
After this experience I believe even more that if we can change our actions and respect and protect Mother Earth she will heal, and we will all have better lives. We are one world.
My time at home has been very interesting in its evolution. I still take time to meditate every day. My practice continues to help others because I moved it entirely online – something a year ago I thought impossible to do. Playtime with my grandchildren has moved to their parents’ back yards – and we still have fun being together.
I enjoy my own cooking. After the first shock of staying at home, we have not felt the need to go out to restaurants and have cooked some great meals. Sometimes, I do miss eating out because of the wonderful restaurants that surround our home. Occasionally we still pick up takeout meals.
With this pandemic, I understand “privilege” better
I have never felt “entitled,” but have always considered myself among the “privileged class.” My husband and I work hard, and we live a comfortable life. We are grateful.
With COVID-19, I was surprised by the size of the class divide between the “haves” and “have nots.” It showed us how our experience dealing with this pandemic has been easy compared to so many others. I adjusted by moving my practice virtually and my clients have been very receptive to this change.
I empathize with those who have had to change their lives drastically just to survive.
The parents and caregivers who now work from home while also caring for their children and other loved ones fulltime at home. People who live alone with no family and friends able to visit them. Homeless families who involuntarily live in cars and abandoned structures to survive. Business owners and their employees forced to shut down while trying to figure a way to adapt to this new world. And so many more people whose worlds turned upside down.
In my daily meditation, I include every one of you whose lives have been disrupted. Namaste.
Fall means back to school – or does it?
Lately I find myself thinking about kids going back to school — something that seems to be on everyone’s mind. During a worldwide pandemic, to send one’s children to school or to keep them home is a difficult decision to make.
Many people do not have the luxury of thinking about it at all. Their livelihood depends on their children learning outside the home so that they can go work to earn a living.
Beyond the economic and educational reasons for children going back to school this fall, we have the social integration that schools help promote. Children learn to share, converse, play, and help each other at school.
How will our children remember this time in their formative years? I wonder…
My client needs have changed
These past months I noticed a change in our referrals for energy healing. More people have come to me for relief of depression and anxiety than ever before. There’s also been an increase with related issues such as acid reflux and arthritis.
Take time for yourself

Take time to care for yourself. Refresh by visiting your favorite place in nature. This photo is from Lake of the Woods in Ontario.
I have just returned from a week with my family at a cottage by a lake. It was a lovely COVID-19-free week. The area of Ontario that we visited has seen few infections and has none currently.
I loved being by the lake surrounded by wonderful trees. (You know my love for trees.) My body appreciated the clean air and the water in the lake felt like silk on my skin. It was wonderful.
Please remember to take care of yourself. When you take care of yourself, you can better care for those you love.
Preventing Alzheimer’s
While I was reading by the lake, I skimmed through Dale E. Bredesen M.D. latest book – The End of Alzheimer’s Program: the first protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at any age. Dr. Bredesen published this second book on Alzheimer’s in August of 2020.
In his first book, The End of Alzheimer’s, he details the research on which this second book is based.
His second book can be used as a reference for a healthy lifestyle to prevent or even reverse Alzheimer’s. Their recommendations — based on research — are certainly worth following for all of us. I think that even if we just follow most of their recommendations, we will see improvements.
If interested, I talk about Alzheimer’s in my blog Keeping your health – and your mind. I wrote about it because some researchers have coined the condition as “Type 3 Diabetes.” Nutrition plays a huge role in this dis-ease.
Home sweet Home
Back in the city now. I’ve grown very conscious of how many people wear masks, wash their hands more often than before, and keep a social distance with others. Every little bit helps to stop the spread of COVID-19. I’m glad to see my community doing their part. Let’s keep it up.
Hope you are all keeping safe and well.