A Quote to Live by

Categories: Nature, Quotes

Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dear readers,

I chose this quote about patience to include in my eNewsletter because of my passion for our environment and the importance of trees. I am sure many of you have noticed my passion for nature. Now you know I also believe we must all take action and have patience knowing our combined efforts can heal the earth.

This latest article I read by The Washington Post Columnist Kathleen Parker really hit home. Scientists report that if we were to plant a trillion trees, we could stop climate change. How wonderful! This does, however, include stopping deforestation — which is a whole other sad case.

Read Parker’s article Want to stop climate change? Start by planting a trillion trees then join me in planting those trees. It will take time and patience, and we can do it. Our quality of life improves with natural solutions to our man-made problems.

Freepik: Hands cupping plant save the environment campaign.

This post was originally published in August of 2019. I felt it was worth repeating.

Take care of yourself,

Bioenergy Therapist
Healing Transformation

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