Revisiting Heart Intelligence

Categories: Healing Transformation

Hello everyone!


As we come to the end of 2024, I wanted to remind all of us of the importance of listening to our heart. We are living in very uncertain times and, as the authors of the book below remind us, we are all connected to the earth and each other.

This is a blog that I wrote in 2019 and I am repeating it this month because I feel it is really pertinent in today’s world. It is based on a 2016 book by the authors that has subsequently been updated and expanded with a 2022 edition which I have not yet read.

Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart

By Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, and Rollin McCraty
Waterfront Press (February 14, 2016)

What an uplifting and optimistic book!

I found Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart a joy to read. Throughout this book the authors — Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, and Rollin McCraty – walk us through today’s cutting-edge research to show us just how powerful our hearts can be. This book helps you understand the science behind the age-old wisdom to “follow your heart.”

Book cover of Heart Intelligence

The science is mind blowing

The authors describe the love, magic, and intuitive guidance that we receive from our hearts —constantly. These authors want us to listen to our hearts more. They explain how our hearts create a heart/brain interaction through energy. In fact, in the research cited, the heart generates the strongest magnetic field in the body –approximately 100 times stronger than our brains. In other words, our hearts send more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

The authors use random number generating machines to help us understand just how connected we are to other people and everything on earth. They also offer profound insights and guidance for us to better access the intuitive intelligence of our hearts. This can help us through our life’s journey feeling better about ourselves and the world around us.

Heart Math Institute

Doc Childre founded Heart Math Institute in 1991. Heart Math’s mission is “to help people bring their physical, mental, and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance.” This book supports that mission. It also gives us a wonderful, scientific basis for listening to our hearts. Their systems and recommendations for connecting with our inner guidance can help us navigate through these changing times. I am adapting some into my life and practice.

The Heart Math Institute has also developed an app called Inner Balance. It can help us get our hearts, minds, and emotions together. Over 4.26k people have rated the app a 4.8 in the Apple Store. It’s rated 4+ years which means it’s easy and safe. To use it fully, you wear a sensor on your ear which requires a purchase. I have one and use it.

You can also download Heart Math’s free Heart Quotes app for inspiration on demand. There, you will find quotes from around the world and throughout time, like this inspiring quote from Aristotle:

“The heart is the perfection of the whole organism. Therefore, the principles of the power of perception and the soul’s ability to nourish itself must lie in the heart.”

The Heart

Even Aristotle understood the importance of the heart. This book explores the intelligence of the heart to the fullest. You’ll learn what it is, the science behind it, and what will happen as more and more of us awaken to this powerful resource that lives within us all.

Heart Intelligence should be required reading for everyone. It makes a wonderful gift for persons interested in living a heart loving state of mind. You can purchase Heart Intelligence from Heart Math Institute store and other booksellers.

Wishing everyone happy holidays and and a very happy and healthy 2025.


Have you had a chance to look at Joey and His Friend Water yet?

I’m so excited to share my book with you, a story that explores the incredible ways everything around us is connected through energy – from people and plants, to  rocks and water. Joey and His Friend Water brings to life the importance of the water cycle, mycelium, and trees, and even how water responds to words and emotions, reminding us all of our role in healing our planet.

If you’re interested in purchasing Joey and His Friend Water, you can find it online, including at Amazon

Are you interested in Energy Healing?

Are you struggling with a chronic illness such as cancer, diabetes, or another dis-ease? Do you suffer from the side effects of chemo or radiation? Or, do you simply want to bring your body back into balance, and strengthen your immune system? If so, you may be interested in scheduling healing sessions with me.

You can contact me at 416-203-2744 or you can visit my website at to learn more about me and energy treatment.

Testimonial – received October 2024

“Hi Ellen, it’s been a long time and I have been remiss in getting you my awesome news …. all clear and cancer free! I received the great news a while back and have been singing your praises for months, but never passed on my formal thank you and appreciation for your help on my healing journey. My meditation continues, and my body is feeling less and less of those inflammatory issues and discomfort …. Thanks again for helping change by life … Be well, Sean”

Hope to hear from you. Ellen


Photo: Ellen Lewinberg

Ellen Lewinberg

Bioenergy Therapist

Instructor in Bioenergy Therapy

Toronto, Canada

416-203-2744 or

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