Two books to check out.

Categories: Book Reviews

For this post, I want to discuss two books. One was wonderful, and the other I am not so keen on, but both are worth reading.

Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs

Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: How Surgery Can Be Hazardous to Your Health – And What to Do About It by Harvey Bigelsen M.D. published March 15, 2011.

In this first book. Dr. Harvey Bigelsen describes how medical doctors overprescribe surgery and ignore the long-term health risks. He explains that any invasive procedure, including colonoscopies and root canals, can cause inflammation in the body, leading to severe and long-term health problems.

Dr. Bigelsen believes that inflammation is the real cause of chronic illness. After graduating from medical school with all that studying, Dr. Bigelsen was very disappointed that he could not cure a single illness. He started to look for alternative ways of dealing with illness. He found doctors who could look at a single drop of live blood to unravel an illness. He studied with these doctors and came up with a radical approach to healing.

He treats each person as an individual. He looks for the root cause of a chronic disease in past damage to a person’s body, whether from a fall or an operation. His treatments are noninvasive and involve osteopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy. Dr. Bigelsen has led me to rethink illness.

You can find his book online at Amazon and other booksellers.

The Overstory

The Overstory: A Novel by Richard Powers, published on April 20, 2021.

The Overstory book cover.

The second book, “The Overstory” by Richard Powers, is entirely different. I read it because friends and clients told me it was a masterpiece about trees.

I admit that Richard’s description of the trees and their magnificence was genuinely remarkable. However, the story emphasized that activism is no match for the power of big business and politics.

It left me feeling that nothing we do can help the planet regain its desperately needed balance.

Most reviews extolled the book’s virtues. I feel I am in the minority. I urge you to read it for yourself.

You can find his book online at Amazon and other booksellers.

Enjoy the spring weather.

Spring is one of the most promising seasons of the whole year. The flowers make me feel wonderful. May your spring be filled with joy and beauty.

~~ Ellen


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