One, Two, Three, or Four sessions a week; You Choose

Categories: Clinic Announcements, Healing Techniques

Dear friends,

Through the years, clients have provided feedback on how I schedule our Bioenergy Therapy Clinics and the four, one-on-one therapy sessions.  Instead of consecutive sessions, clients have asked for me to spread out the days that we meet. In doing so, I found that frequency works just as well as consecutive. So, I am changing the way I schedule sessions.

A full treatment still requires four sessions.

Now with our one-on-one individual treatments, sessions can take place one, two, three, or four times a week — plus we can spread sessions over multiple weeks. This also includes our long distance treatments.

Our Clinics will run over two weeks. Starting this February, we will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays unless otherwise noted. Hours will remain 7 to 9pm for our clinic sessions.

Hands holding people

The new clinic dates for 2020:

February 17, 19, 24, 26 | Mon/Wed

March 16, 18, 23, 25 | Mon/Wed

April 20, 22, 27 and 29 | Mon/Wed

May 19, 21, 25, 27 | Tue/Thu                             

June 15, 17, 23, 25 | Mon/Wed

July 20, 22, 27, 29 | Mon/Wed


I hope this new schedule better meets your needs,

Remember when you need relief from pain of injury, illness, or emotions — give me a call at (416) 203-2744. These four sessions can change your life.

Take care,


P.S. Our pricing structure has changed to be more flexible and simplified. Now taxes are included in the price structure. Plus if your first one, two or three sessions need one hour each and your last session only needs 30-minutes, you will be charged accordingly.

  • Clinics $285 including HST for four sessions
  • One-on-One and Distance Treatments
    • 30 minutes or less $80 including HST for each session
    • Up to 60 minutes $120 including HST for each session

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