Free download: Your Gratitude Journal

Categories: Downloads, Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Message

Beginning today, I encourage you to write down things you are grateful to have in your life. Your list can be as simple or as complicated as you like.

There are no rules except to have gratitude every day of your life. Plus, research shows that we need to write down at least one thing you feel grateful for every week. Aim for three times per week.

Your Gratitude Journal

Young man on coach typing

To get you started, we’ve designed three PDFs for you to download and use as your gratitude journal. Choose the one that works best for you. Try them all out.

My Gratitude Journal

 | Blank

My Gratitude Journal 5-part

 | Gratitude Heading

My Gratitude Journal fillable form

 | Online; Save to computer or smartphone

I’ve also included an example of one filled out.

My Gratitude Journal EXAMPLE

Now, let’s get started! Download today.


~~ Ellen

P.S. If you need inspiration to get started, The Greater Good Science Center offers good advice and some helpful hints. Find out more at Greater Good in Action and their  Gratitude Journal practice.

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