The Natural Order of Life

Categories: Enlightenment, Inspiration, Message

The Natural Order of Life

Photo: view of lake at sunset

In the animal world, we see it all the time – other animals adopt or care for another species. On Facebook and other social media sites you will find dogs befriending cats, cats befriending birds, and even a frog befriending a snail.

These “odd couples” care about each other in spite of their differences. I’ve seen pictures of a heard of water buffalo accepting an orphaned elephant as one of their own.

Indigenous peoples also have heart. Their belief is that we are not separate from the other species that we find on the earth. They revere all animals, birds, fish, flora and fauna. Their understanding is that we are not separate from the earth, we are of it and our role is to care for it.

Everything has consciousness.

The New Economy

Let us get back to the heart of our species to care for one another, for our world, and, at this point, our galaxy. As UK Economist, Tim Jackson states so eloquently in his 2010 Ted Talk:

“…what we need the economy to do, in fact, is to put investment back into the heart of the model, to re-conceive investment. … Investment has to be, in the new economy, protecting and nurturing the ecological assets on which our future depends. … We have to invest, in fact, in the idea of a meaningful prosperity, providing capabilities for people to flourish.”

We are part of the natural order of life. What we do as human beings, affects every living creature.

Unfortunately, we are the part of nature that is destroying us. We need to start acting like the rest of nature.

We need to care beyond the narrow confines of our families and friends.

Words of Inspiration

Don’t elect politicians who act like they own the world because they don’t. No one owns the world.

We are put on this earth to live a life of kindness for all beings – we are to help each other.

That’s what nature teaches us. That’s how we survive. Let’s follow nature’s lead and open ourselves up to caring.

Happy healing!

~~ Ellen

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