Report: Healing Initiative 2020

Categories: Healing Techniques, Message

The Consciousness and Healing Initiative 2020 Report

I recently received a report from The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) — a nonprofit collaborative of scientists, practitioners, educators, innovators, and artists. CHI researches and shares the knowledge and practice of consciousness and healing so that individuals and societies can learn to heal themselves.

CHI colorful head link to site

Bioenergy Healing as mainstream health care

In April of 2020, they released the latest report: The Consciousness and Healing Initiative, Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice, & Future Directions, April 2020. You can download the report for free.

This report is part of a systems change to include bioenergy and other self-healing techniques into mainstream medical care. Their approach came from Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University. Their process involves “solving problems through creative collaboration, and less on the establishment and perpetuation of new institutions.” (Solving the World’s Biggest Problems: Better Philanthropy Through Systems Change by Jeffrey C. Walker published Apr. 5, 2017)

For me, the repot pulled together the research and real-world experiences in energy as viable alternative medicine for physical and mental healing. The report recognized the placebo effect along with prayer and other energy healing techniques.

The collaborators talked about “subtle energy” referring to “life energy” that parallels and reflects physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Biofield is the scientific term used to describe the dynamics involved in directing health, healing, and wellbeing of living organisms.


As you might guess, I found the report fascinating. The fact that it supports what I believe and have witnessed for over a decade, is why I am sharing here with you today. It found:

“…based on prior systematic reviews and our analysis of stakeholder interviews, it appears that subtle energy and biofield healing could hold significant promise for reducing healthcare costs and potentially reduce the prevalence and ongoing maintenance of costly and intractable heath conditions, particularly depression, anxiety, pain, and trauma.”

The word “intractable” caught my attention. Its synonyms are stubborn, difficult, and problematic. If you suffer from an “intractable health condition,” you know firsthand how disruptive it can be to your life. Maintenance costs prohibit some people from seeking help. Others become dependent on pain relievers like opioids causing havoc to their body – and mind. This, in addition to the pain.

Helping people heal themselves through bioenergy healing is safe and effective. Bioenergy helps people heal themselves by aligning their life energies.

Databases for inquisitive minds

In addition to reporting their findings, the CHI collaborators compiled public databases. Anyone can use these. They’re intended for researchers, medical practitioners, and government officials. The goal is:

“to advance scientific understanding and increase acceptance of evidence-based subtle energy and biofield healing modalities as healthcare options.”

Find out more

Check out the report for more information. They wrote most of it in plain language for the general public to understand.

Take care of yourself. Call me and let’s align your “life energies” to boost your health and relieve your pain. You are important. Invest in yourself.


Download the full report and other condensed documents for more information.

Biofield Healing Report Cover

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