The Importance of Trees

October 2024 Blog

I hope you have been enjoying the wonderful October weather and the spectacular display that the trees have created. It has been absolutely marvelous here in Toronto. And, talking of spectacular displays – my hibiscus plant loved coming indoors for the winter. It mostly only has one or two flowers at a time!

The Importance of Trees

This month I am again going to talk about trees. I know that you know they are dear to me.

I recently read Diane Beresford-Kroeger’s latest book, Our Green Heart: The Soul and Science of Forests.

Our Green Heart describes how humanity has destroyed Earth's balance with our technology and the destruction of forests

Her message is that we need to pay close attention to trees. They are the “green heart of the living world”. We need to realize that forests are our living lungs, the providers of our medicine, and that their leaves in autumn help with the renewal of our soil.

Beresford-Kroeger feels we have destroyed the balance of the Earth with our technology, and by the destruction of the forests all over the earth. Another mistake that she points out is that we have planted the wrong types of trees in the wrong areas.

She also points out that trees develop over eons to fit into a specific climate. When we plant other species in place of the native species, they cannot perform the climate control in the way trees native to the area would be able to.

Beresford-Kroeger also talks about the medicinal properties of the trees, and encourages each of us to plant 6 trees to help save the planet. It is important not to plant mono-cultures (that is, all one species), but to plant a diverse variety of trees that can support each other.

In her book, she mentions Miyawaki forests (also known as Mini Forests). As defined on the website, “This is an afforestation technique of cultivating fast-growing groves of native plants, with dense, mixed planting intended to simulate the layers of a natural forest.”

Ever since I moved into my new house, I have planned to plant one of these mini forests. I have been researching them and have found out that the Network of Nature has a website that discusses the mini forests and the kinds of plants that would be suitable in them. If you are interested in how the database was developed, you can look at the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects website.

I am really excited that I will be able to plant one next year. They can be planted on a piece of land as small as 5 sq. m. and reach maturity in 20 -30 years instead of 100 years that it takes for a forest to grow on its own.

These tiny forests improve air quality, manage storm water and, most importantly, absorb carbon dioxide. In one year, a mature tree will absorb more than 22 kilos of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.

If you would like to learn more about trees and their role in maintaining the Earth, I do recommend you read Our Green Heart by Diana Beresford-Kroeger. You can find it at Amazon.

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Hope to hear from you. Ellen

Have you had a chance to look at my book yet?

In my book Joey and His Friend Water, I use the voice of Water as a teacher to weave a story about how everything is conscious and connected – the earth, moon, stars, people, and everything in between. It’s a great book for young children and for those who are reading to them. We’re all in it together.

If you’re interested in purchasing Joey and His Friend Water, you can find it online, including at Amazon.

Joey and His Friend Water is a children's book that discusses the importance of water and forests in our lives today.

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