Hi Everyone!
Well, winter has finally arrived in Toronto. It has been consistently cold and snowy over the past few weeks. For those of you who live in nice, warm climes, this is a picture of my backyard at the moment. Coming from South Africa, all I can say is “what am I doing here”!

Despite the miserable weather, I am thinking forward to spring and getting out into the garden again. I have also decided to have another Workshop for bioenergy training and will hold it in Toronto, on May 3rd and 4th. If you are interested in learning about bioenergy healing, you will find the workshop details toward the end of this blog. |
Is the Cold Weather Cutting Into Your Exercise?
You might want to take a look a four-minute exercise program presented by Zack Bush on YouTube. I have recently started doing it and it really is energizing! Try it out! It’s really easy. |
Are you interested in the gut and its relationship to the brain?
I recently listened to a free recording from the Institute of Noetic Science by a neuroscientist named Garret Yount. The talk took place on Dec. 13, 2024. It was called the “Gut-Brain Telepathy” and I found it quite intriguing. Garret Yount began by talking about the Autonomic nervous system, which is made up of two parts: – the sympathetic (fight/flight) nervous system, and the parasympathetic (rest/digest) nervous system.
He suggested that if you want to calm the flight/fight response, all that is needed is deep breathing, and he described the science behind this.
He also suggested that the third part of the autonomic nervous system is the enteric nervous system. It has a billion more neurons than the other two and has been called the second brain. Its primary function is to regulate the Gastro Intestinal tract. However, his research indicates that it may have surprising abilities. It communicates directly with the brain, which may explain gut feelings and intuitive instincts. It may even act as a receiver picking up on emotions from distant individuals.
There is bi-directional communication between our brain and enteric nervous system (which he calls the second brain).
In 2205, Dean Radin and Marilyn Schlitz did a preliminary experiment on the enteric nervous system and its potential to pick up emotions from distant individuals. They used an electrogastrogram to track their subjects’ responses. They describe the experiment in some depth at: https://noetic.org/publication/gut-feelings-intuition-emotions-exploratory-study/
In the study, Radin and Schlitz have pairs of subjects coming into the lab. One is the sender (of emotions) and one is the receiver. The receiver is in an environment that is cut off from outside stimulation. The intention is that the receiver will pick up, remotely, the emotions of the sender as determined by the electrogastrogram.
Radin and Schlitz found that the emotion of sadness was most reliably picked up by the receivers and that is what Garret’s experiment is trying to duplicate, but using a larger sample size.
I was really interested that scientists are actually proving that our gut instincts are real and that we convey information to others through our gut. |
Spring 2025 Bioenergy Workshop
As mentioned above, I will be holding a Bioenergy Workshop in Toronto on Saturday and Sunday, May 3/4, 2025. You can find all of the details on my website. There you will find information about what you will learn in the workshop and how you can use it, plus details of how to register. The cost is C$375.00 plus HST, for a total of C$423.75.
If you would like to talk to me about the course, please call me at 416-203-2744. Hope to see you there. Ellen |
I’m so excited to share my book with you, a story that explores the incredible ways everything around us is connected through energy – from people and plants, to rocks and water. Joey and His Friend Water brings to life the importance of the water cycle, mycelium, and trees, and even how water responds to words and emotions, reminding us all of our role in healing our planet.
If you’re interested in purchasing Joey and His Friend Water, you can find it online, including at Amazon |

Are you interested in Energy Healing?
Are you struggling with a chronic illness such as cancer, diabetes, or another dis-ease? Do you suffer from the side effects of chemo or radiation? Or, do you simply want to bring your body back into balance, and strengthen your immune system? If so, you may be interested in scheduling healing sessions with me.
You can contact me at 416-203-2744 or you can visit my website at https://healingtransformation.ca/ to learn more about me and energy treatment.
Testimonial – received October 2024
“Hi Ellen, it’s been a long time and I have been remiss in getting you my awesome news …. all clear and cancer free! I received the great news a while back and have been singing your praises for months, but never passed on my formal thank you and appreciation for your help on my healing journey. My meditation continues, and my body is feeling less and less of those inflammatory issues and discomfort …. Thanks again for helping change by life … Be well, Sean”
Hope to hear from you. Ellen

Ellen Lewinberg, Bioenergy Therapist
Instructor in Bioenergy Therapy, Toronto, Canada
416-203-2744 or ellen@healingtransformation.ca