Your Thoughts Control You

Categories: Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Self Help

I am understanding more and more how our health, our wealth, our happiness — our everything depends on our thoughts. The adage “What you think about; comes about” is so true. I’ve known and tried to practice this for years; however, today I have a greater understanding of why it is so important.

Lately I have been studying Bruce Lipton, Shamini Jain, and Jean Houston among others. Although they come from varied backgrounds, had their own unique experiences, and enjoy different lifestyles – they all decree that:

Our thoughts control us.

To have the life we want to live; we need to concentrate on the positive.

We need to realize that all of our thoughts are powerful. Negative thoughts are just as powerful as positive ones. That is why it is so important to be positive.

Jean Houston

This brings me to my most recent find – Jean Houston, Ph.D. Although I had heard her name – most notably her book “Jump Time”, I had not checked her out until recently. Jean is considered a visionary thinker. I encourage you to listen to her presentations on YouTube to “restock your mind.” I watched the following presentation. It’s close to two hours and well worth the investment in your time.

Navigating UncertaintyDeveloping a Resilient New Mind for a World in Transition – June 22, 2019


According to Wikipedia, Jean is 85 years old, born in 1937. She has the energy more of a 50-year-old. To her, age is just a number. She attributes some of her good health and wellbeing to various practices she uses to keep her focused on the positive aspects of living.

Practices for a Positive Life

In the above video, Jean addresses many topics from the Heroines Journey to energy healing. She also tells stories about how she has remained positive throughout her life and included many practices she has. I want to share with you two practices she does which she feels helps her stay young. These can easily be adopted by all of us.

Jean recommends that we regularly shake our bodies starting with our limbs. For Jean, she has assigned happy moments in her life to her various body parts. As she shakes, these memories take over her consciousness. Sometimes she just shakes her hand to pull up one happy moment in her life.

The other practice she recommends incorporating into your life is to remember your best year. She encourages us to remember and feel how we felt at that time to help us stay young and healthy.

I have found it hard to think of a whole year but can think of many wonderful experiences and that is what I have started with.

What is your favorite year/experience?

Stay positive,

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