
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - Good News Awakening

  • Diversity hands holding world globe

    Survival of the Kindest

    We are living in a time of great uncertainty. It’s also a time of immense opportunity for us to begin to live a more meaningful life. In my lifetime I think back to my parents and what the world was like back then. Just before the second world war began, they escaped from Nazi Germany and individually moved to South Africa. We are Jewish. Most of our relatives died during Hitler and his Nazi reign. It was a time of… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Good News Awakening, Message

  • #GoodNewsAwakening Logo

    #GoodNewsAwakening: Intro

    I’ve been in lockdown now since mid-March and have been noticing how so much has changed for the better. There is way less pollution – even where I live, right down-town. I have less dust in my apartment and the noise level is down. The streets and highways I can see from my windows have way fewer cars on them. Statistics are coming in from all over the world about the reduction in pollution. I keep seeing reports about how… Read more »

    Good News Awakening

  • Compassionate Hand holding Heart graphic


    How Compassionate are you? The Greater Good Science Center conducts research and shares their findings publicly. You can find all sorts of good things about human nature and happiness through their magazine articles and website postings. This includes articles encouraging a more compassionate lifestyle — caring and nurturing of others to help them get through their misfortune. The Science Center collects much of their research through quizzes that you and I take. The Science Center keeps your answers anonymous and… Read more »

    Good News Awakening, Healing Transformation, Quiz

  • icons smiley face and internet connection

    Good News: February 2020

    #GoodNewsAwakening In case you missed it… I want to share some good news that I have found from our #GoodNewsAwakening sources. These good news stories bring hope with them. Remember, the challenge for this year is to spread “good news” to counter people’s “natural” obsession with bad news. The Good News Network https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/why-good-news/ Future Crunch https://futurecrun.ch/goodnews Greater Good Science Center https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/ Sustainability As many of you know, or can guess, I am passionate about honoring our environment – earth, water,… Read more »

    Good News Awakening

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