Healing Transformation Events & Blog - COVID 19

  • ying-yang life-death

    on Life. Death. Acceptance.

    My December 2020 Message Hello and welcome to the last month of 2020. What an amazing year of change it has been. In last month’s message I touched on how uncomfortable uncertainty makes us feel. Let’s face it, 2020 has been unnerving at its best of times. Life, as we knew it, has changed. The increasing number of people affected by or dying from COVID-19 worldwide got me to thinking about our medical systems and how we approach death in… Read more »

    Inspiration, Message

  • Butterfly Logo

    Gratitude in a World of Uncertainty

    This was originally published in my November 2020 eNewsletter that I mail through Mailchimp. Enjoy, Ellen Can you believe we are reaching the end of 2020?  November has finally arrived. If you’re like me, this year’s passing comes somewhat of a relief. I am grateful for having survived. Fall Colours As I write this month’s message to you, our leaves here in Toronto continue their spectacular show. The red leaves have mostly dropped, and the yellow leaves shine in their… Read more »

    Downloads, Healing Techniques, Message, Self Help

  • Diversity hands holding heart

    A Lake. A Book. My Thoughts.

    Dear Readers, The following blog is adapted from my September eNewsletter. I want to share it here with you. I hope all is well. ~~Ellen Autumnal Musings The spring and fall seasons of change always bring me feelings of hope. Seeing how nature adapts to each passing phase makes me marvel at it all.  Self- isolation This summer has been a warm one. We have stayed at home so much more and, I feel extremely blessed for our large deck.… Read more »


  • #GoodNewsAwakening Logo

    #GoodNewsAwakening: Intro

    I’ve been in lockdown now since mid-March and have been noticing how so much has changed for the better. There is way less pollution – even where I live, right down-town. I have less dust in my apartment and the noise level is down. The streets and highways I can see from my windows have way fewer cars on them. Statistics are coming in from all over the world about the reduction in pollution. I keep seeing reports about how… Read more »

    Good News Awakening

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