Healing Transformation Events & Blog - spirituality

  • Book Cover: The Physics of God

    The Physics of God: A Book Review

    The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science by Joseph Selbie | New Page Books (October 1, 2021) 2nd Edition   I found The Physics of God by Joseph Selbie completely fascinating. The book addresses how the science of religion and the modern (quantum physics) science of reality are fully congruent with one another. His writing style is easy to read and understand. The examples he gives… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Enlightenment, Self Help

  • Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible

    I’ve experienced “extra-sensory powers” which I believe most people have also. The call that comes from a friend you have not heard from in years – right after you talked about them. Or, the phone rings and you know who it is before you pick up the call. I’ve also had a few dreams that gave me a premonition about an event in the future. These experiences always intrigue me, and I try to be aware when they occur. So,… Read more »

    Articles and Links, Inspiration

  • Natural solutions for unnatural problems

    This past month I have continued exploring my interest in mushrooms and plant communications. Findhorn Foundation Many years ago, I learned about a place called Findhorn in the north of Scotland. The area is now called the Findhorn Foundation and serves as an environmentally conscious, international spiritual community with a holistic education centre. The Foundation’s beginnings started when Eileen and Peter Caddy, their three children, and Dorothy Maclean found themselves in the north of Scotland, in Findhorn, wondering what to… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Nature

  • Book cover: Living in a Mindful Universe

    Living in a Mindful Universe: A book review

    Living in a Mindful Universe A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness by Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell Imagine, being terribly ill and falling into a coma. Imagine feeling suspended in time for seven days. Now imagine, miraculously awakening and remembering everything that occurred during those seven days. Much to the astonishment of his doctors and colleagues, that is exactly what happened to American neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander, in 2008. This near-death experience led Dr. Alexander to change his… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Enlightenment

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