Healing Transformation Events & Blog - Message

  • The Power of “Groups”

    The Power of Group Consciousness. I came across an update on the Heart Math Global Consciousness project. Heart Math has placed a network of random number generators worldwide that collect continuous data from the Earth’s magnetic field. They have been monitoring the data for 25 years. I remember first reading about the generators around the time of 9/11 and being amazed when so many people expressed shock at what had happened. When a shared consciousness exists, the random number generators… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Inspiration, Message

  • Travel Iowa photo: View this email in your browser The Power of Groups Meditating Dear all, I think you all know how I feel about meditation and how important it is for our wellbeing. All of us easily recognize the benefits of meditating for individuals. In Mayo Clinic’s article Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress, the Clinic states that “Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner peace.” In the last few years there has been more and more research about group meditation. It shows that group meditation is an equally powerful tool. Small groups meditating for peace have reduced crime and stress in an area while increasing happiness. Yet, few government organizations take these peaceful efforts seriously. People understand the individual benefits but are having a hard time understanding that organized groups meditating for peace can make an enormous difference. Unfortunately, research shows that once the group stops meditating, it only takes about 12 weeks for the city or country to move back to baseline. Collective Consciousness One of the first documented experiences of collective consciousness happened in 1983 through Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field when groups agreed to meditate together for peace. Results were tracked in Israel and Lebanon using quality of life factors. They measured crime, accidents, and stock market results in Israel and Jerusalem. In Lebanon they also measured war effects like deaths and intensity. All areas used news publications to capture quality of life indicators. The results found that the group meditation effectively relieved some of the societal stress. You can find the research at International Peace Project in the Middle East: The Effects of the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field. Founded in 1998, the Global Consciousness Project is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists and engineers. It is based on noosphere which Meriam Webster describes as “the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity...” The word noosphere was first recorded in 1927. Based out of Princeton University, the Global Consciousness Project collects data continuously from a global network of sources. Research results can be found on their website and their current activity on Facebook. Most recently students at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky began a revival from February 8, 2023, that ended with the National Collegiate Day of Prayer on the 23rd. It drew tens of thousands of outside visitors to the town to be a part of the event and other students have started their own revivals on college campuses across the States. A Times’ article, What Asbury’s Christian Revival Says About America’s Need for Connection, quoted a professor who described the event prior to the public influx as “a long exhale taken by my anxious students” followed by “an infilling of a holy calm.” In the Cincinnati Inquirer Wilmore Mayor Harold Rainwater reported, “In addition to the economic spike, the city of Wilmore experienced zero arrests during the nonstop revival, Rainwater said. To his knowledge, no fights or altercations took place, either.” The world has been watching: How a small service at Asbury took the globe by storm Haadiza Ogwude Cincinnati Enquirer | Updated February 27, 2023 World Peace A 2001 Chicago Tribune article, Town sees mass meditation as way to world peace, introduced me to Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. This unusual town is built around transcendental meditation and the ancient Vedic principles of balance and harmony. According to the Tribune, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi whose followers founded Vedic City is the same Yogi who originally taught baby boomers transcendental meditation in the 1960’s and conducted the 1983 research project mentioned above. The city promotes group meditating among its residents and visitors. In addition, they’re establishing peace centers throughout the world hosting group meditating. Travel Iowa Photo: Observatory Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa Maharishi Vedic City’s open-air observatory

    Help us Build Peace on Earth ✌🌎

    The Power of Groups Meditating Dear all, I think you all know how I feel about meditation and how important it is for our wellbeing. All of us easily recognize the benefits of meditating for individuals. In Mayo Clinic’s article Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress, the Clinic states that “Meditation can wipe away the day’s stress, bringing with it inner peace.” In the last few years there has been more and more research about group meditation. It shows… Read more »

    Inspiration, Message, Self Help

  • Willie Nelson Instagram Photo

    Energy Follows Thought

    Energy Follows Thought The other day while listening to Raymon Grace, Raymon introduced me to a new Willie Nelson song – Energy Follows Thought. You can listen to it on your streaming music channel which I recommend. I decided to post the lyrics here as the words hold truth. Energy Follows Thought Willie Nelson Imagine what you want Then get out of the way Remember, energy follows thought So be careful what you say Be careful what you ask for… Read more »

    Message, Quotes

  • Happy 2023

    As we enter 2023, I wish for you a year full of hope, love, and good health. And may your belief system be one with nature and the universe. ~~Ellen


  • We are Nature.

    We are Nature. As I was saying goodbye to the old year and thinking about the new, I was reminded about our belief systems. What beliefs do I carry with me that I could strengthen to help improve my life and the lives of others? The obvious is my service as a healer, but I was searching for the not so obvious. My thoughts brought me to the idea that we are as much a part of nature as the… Read more »

    Inspiration, Message, Nature, Self Help

  • Planting Trees

    Planting Trees Last month I had the pleasure of attending another lecture by Diana Beresford–Kruger. Beresford-Kruger is a world-renowned medical biochemist and botanist in addition to being an author. You may recognize the name as I reviewed her book, To Speak for the Trees, in September of 2019. I feel the same appreciation of her work in 2022 as I did back in 2019. Check out my blog for her background. This time the take-away message was directed closer to home.… Read more »

    Message, Self Help

  • Quality of Life – Your Life

    Quality of Life – Your Life I have one client that I’ve been treating these past 18 months. She was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive uterine cancer that was at stage 4-b. For 12 of those 18 months, she had no evidence of the disease. Recently a small spot was detected. She just wrote me a note attributing her quality of life to the healing treatments counteracting the side effects of the treatments. To see her, you would not… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Message, Testimonials

  • Believe & Know

    Believe & Know Sometimes you need to shift your focus to change your belief system. Often, we go along without thinking about our beliefs and what they bring to our day. To quote the American Industrialist Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” If your belief system includes believing in miracles, you will witness many miracles in your life as you will focus on them. If you think your day will turn out awful,… Read more »

    Message, Self Help

  • An Abundance of Energy

    An Abundance of Energy I remember hearing once that “Energy flows where intention goes.” When you think of that statement, it’s mind blowing since everything is energy. I think sometimes it’s hard for some people to keep remembering that we are energy. Especially when healing our bodies. So if you or a healer sends healing energy to the place on your body that is problematic, your body knows how to use that energy to heal itself.   Concentrate on what… Read more »


  • The Natural Order of Life

    The Natural Order of Life In the animal world, we see it all the time – other animals adopt or care for another species. On Facebook and other social media sites you will find dogs befriending cats, cats befriending birds, and even a frog befriending a snail. These “odd couples” care about each other in spite of their differences. I’ve seen pictures of a heard of water buffalo accepting an orphaned elephant as one of their own. Indigenous peoples also have… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Inspiration, Message

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