Healing Transformation Events & Blog - Message

  • Diversity hands holding heart

    A Lake. A Book. My Thoughts.

    Dear Readers, The following blog is adapted from my September eNewsletter. I want to share it here with you. I hope all is well. ~~Ellen Autumnal Musings The spring and fall seasons of change always bring me feelings of hope. Seeing how nature adapts to each passing phase makes me marvel at it all.  Self- isolation This summer has been a warm one. We have stayed at home so much more and, I feel extremely blessed for our large deck.… Read more »


  • Hands giving high five

    Be the change for healing

    Be the change for healing Dear Readers, From my writings, you can tell these last five months have me wondering about our world today and what it will be like tomorrow. We are surrounded by dire headlines, protests, and disasters all over the world — natural and man-made. The results are emotional and physical chaos for us and mother earth. My hope is that we will be able to take advantage of these times resulting in huge CHANGE. I also hope… Read more »

    Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Message

  • Diversity hands holding world globe

    Survival of the Kindest

    We are living in a time of great uncertainty. It’s also a time of immense opportunity for us to begin to live a more meaningful life. In my lifetime I think back to my parents and what the world was like back then. Just before the second world war began, they escaped from Nazi Germany and individually moved to South Africa. We are Jewish. Most of our relatives died during Hitler and his Nazi reign. It was a time of… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Good News Awakening, Message

  • life energies

    Report: Healing Initiative 2020

    The Consciousness and Healing Initiative 2020 Report I recently received a report from The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) — a nonprofit collaborative of scientists, practitioners, educators, innovators, and artists. CHI researches and shares the knowledge and practice of consciousness and healing so that individuals and societies can learn to heal themselves. Bioenergy Healing as mainstream health care In April of 2020, they released the latest report: The Consciousness and Healing Initiative, Subtle Energy & Biofield Healing: Evidence, Practice, &… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Message

  • brain graphic

    Keeping your health – and your mind

    I am sure you have heard people talk about their health and one of their personal COVID-19 struggles has been weight gain. Those of you who subscribe to my newsletter heard me lament about it in April talking about my book review, The Personalized Diet. More time on the couch and easy access to the kitchen seems to be encouraging weight gain on our bodies while we shelter at home. Many of us also tend to eat more sugar than… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Message

  • Virus

    Today’s a challenge

    Today offers many challenges. Staying safe is one. I originally posted this in my April newsletter . I just wanted to reprint it here for my website followers. My heart is with you. ~Ellen Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well – practicing social distancing, staying at home, and washing your hands often. New challenges to our daily lives. My husband and I have been very careful. It has been a challenge for us as normally we spend many… Read more »


  • Happy Lungs WHO

    Flattening the Curve

    Keeping safe during challenging times Dear Readers, I hope this finds you safe and healthy. On Saturday our Canadian Health Minister asked us to “self-isolate and practice social distancing” to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. I am staying at home to help “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus spread and only going out when staying home is not an option. I have gone out for groceries. The Mayo Clinic has an excellent podcast on “flattening the curve” that… Read more »

    Clinics, Message

  • Photo of spiral pattern in the sand

    Good News Awakening

    This post today, I edited from my January eNewsletter. I wanted to share my message with you, my website readers. If you would like to receive my newsletter, scroll down to our subscriber form below to give us your information and you will receive our next email. Thanks. Ellen Hi Everyone, As we enter this new decade, I wish you a year full of hope, love, and good health. I also want all of us to take the time to… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Message

  • Beautiful outdoor nature landscape with shirahige waterfall and bridge in snow winter season Hokkaido Japan

    My Holiday Message of 2019

     “How did it get so late so soon?” ~~ Dr. Seuss Dear readers, When I found that Dr. Seuss quote, I thought, “My sentiments exactly. How can it already be December?” It seems like only yesterday when we were planning our Ireland vacation. December brings with it many celebrations, family dinners, and unconditional excitement. When I practiced as a therapist, I remember helping many patients who struggled through the holidays. It felt good to be there for them. We all… Read more »


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