
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - healing naturally

  • Graphic: Tree of multi colors representing healing

    Healer Workshop Update

    Teaching others how to use bioenergy to heal themselves and others has become my passion over the past decade, and it continues to grow. My workshop format works for my students. Becoming a Bioenergy Healer: What students say. The workshop I taught in June went very well. The students seemed to grasp the lessons and practices easily and gave us positive reviews. “Welcoming, clear, well-structured. I liked that we had so many opportunities to practice. The small group size was… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Workshop Announcements

  • #GoodNewsAwakening Logo

    Sites to get Good News

    Good News Awakening Recently, a friend sent me to another place where I can find Good News. It is called Fix the News. I appreciate this site. I don’t listen to the regular news because it is too negative. (Remember the news motto is “if it bleeds, it leads!”) As a Reminder, here are the other Good News sites I have shared before, along with Fix the News. The Good News Network | https://goodnewsnetwork.org/why-good-news/ Greater Good Science Center | https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/… Read more »

    Articles and Links, Good News Awakening

  • My tree that I did not see

    Nature & Kindness Dear Readers, I hope this message finds you well and surrounded by the beauty of nature. As I settle into our new home, I’ve been fascinated by a magnificent Blue Spruce in our front yard that stands tall, embracing the essence of the great outdoors. Interestingly, our initial visits didn’t reveal its presence. I can’t help but feel that this tree, in its wisdom, guided us to this place without my husband or me seeing it. The… Read more »

    Healing Transformation, Nature

  • Kitchen Chaos as John works to put it togther again.

    The 3-phases of Transition continue.

    Welcome to December! This year is closing out with a bang! You can only guess what I’ve been up to from my November newsletter these past weeks. The three phases of transitioning – beginning, neutral, and ending — continue to influence me to relax more, knowing it’s all a process. This month, I planned to introduce many of you to Brian Swimme. The way he thinks — I find fascinating. In his autobiography Cosmogenesis, he remembers things from his past… Read more »

    Children's Books, Healing Transformation, Self Help

  • Ellen Lewinberg photo

    Take The First Step to better Health

    That first step is a phone call. Call me at 1 (416) 203-2744. When you do take that first step, we’ll discuss your situation and talk about options for your bioenergy treatments. At that time, we might discover that our group healing clinics are right for you. Individual treatments are always available. (This phone call is free.) What to Expect at our Bioenergy Therapy Session? During your bioenergy session, we ask that you sit in a chair with your hands… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Transformation

  • Ellen Lewinberg in front of a waterfall

    Meet the Teacher — Ellen Lewinberg

    Ellen Lewinberg — the Teacher Ellen Lewinberg has had several careers in her life. She began work as a social worker in South Africa. She continued her training in England, earning a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science. After moving to Canada, Ellen studied to become a psychoanalyst and treated both children and adults in a private practice for more than twenty-nine years. Following a health crisis in 2002 with cancer, Ellen slowed down a… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Transformation, Workshop Announcements

  • Your Thoughts Control You

    I am understanding more and more how our health, our wealth, our happiness — our everything depends on our thoughts. The adage “What you think about; comes about” is so true. I’ve known and tried to practice this for years; however, today I have a greater understanding of why it is so important. Lately I have been studying Bruce Lipton, Shamini Jain, and Jean Houston among others. Although they come from varied backgrounds, had their own unique experiences, and enjoy… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Quality of Life – Your Life

    Quality of Life – Your Life I have one client that I’ve been treating these past 18 months. She was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive uterine cancer that was at stage 4-b. For 12 of those 18 months, she had no evidence of the disease. Recently a small spot was detected. She just wrote me a note attributing her quality of life to the healing treatments counteracting the side effects of the treatments. To see her, you would not… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Message, Testimonials

  • An Abundance of Energy

    An Abundance of Energy I remember hearing once that “Energy flows where intention goes.” When you think of that statement, it’s mind blowing since everything is energy. I think sometimes it’s hard for some people to keep remembering that we are energy. Especially when healing our bodies. So if you or a healer sends healing energy to the place on your body that is problematic, your body knows how to use that energy to heal itself.   Concentrate on what… Read more »


  • The Healing Journey: How long does it take?

      The Healing Journey: How long does it take? I get asked this question a lot – how long does it take? The real answer is that it depends. Everyone who comes for bioenergy healing feels better after a four-session treatment. However, depending on how long a person has been suffering, he/she may have to return for more treatments until the issue is completely resolved. Sciatica, if it has just recently begun, is often resolved after only four sessions. If… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Message

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