
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - alternative medicine

  • Graphic: Tree of multi colors representing healing

    Healer Workshop Update

    Teaching others how to use bioenergy to heal themselves and others has become my passion over the past decade, and it continues to grow. My workshop format works for my students. Becoming a Bioenergy Healer: What students say. The workshop I taught in June went very well. The students seemed to grasp the lessons and practices easily and gave us positive reviews. “Welcoming, clear, well-structured. I liked that we had so many opportunities to practice. The small group size was… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Workshop Announcements

  • Graphic: Tree of multi colors representing healing

    Healer Workshop – Spring

    Are you tired of sitting by? Watching loved ones suffer from pain, illnesses, or medical treatments is stressful — especially when you believe there’s nothing you can do. It’s time to change your belief as there is something you can do. Become a Bioenergy Healer Learn how to use a person’s bioelectric energy systems to help them heal their body, mind, and spirit naturally. Bioenergy therapy is a natural healing alternative. It has worked for people just like you and… Read more »

    Workshop Announcements

  • Kitchen Chaos as John works to put it togther again.

    The 3-phases of Transition continue.

    Welcome to December! This year is closing out with a bang! You can only guess what I’ve been up to from my November newsletter these past weeks. The three phases of transitioning – beginning, neutral, and ending — continue to influence me to relax more, knowing it’s all a process. This month, I planned to introduce many of you to Brian Swimme. The way he thinks — I find fascinating. In his autobiography Cosmogenesis, he remembers things from his past… Read more »

    Children's Books, Healing Transformation, Self Help

  • To Your Health!

    Last June, we talked about believing in your good health in the article Believe: Mind Control is Real. In it I warned that if you suffer from a disease, never own it. Never say “my cancer” or “my diabetes.” Always believe you feel healthy. I shared with you what I say to myself daily: “I am completely healthy, every cell in my body is completely healthy and functioning perfectly.” This mantra can also work for you. Be consistent and believe… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Techniques, Self Help

  • Raymon's Bullet Pendulum; photo from Website

    Dowsing Workshop

    Last June I took a very special road trip. My husband, John, and I drove to Abingdon, Virginia so that I could take a dowsing workshop with Raymon Grace. I have known about Raymon Grace for years. I’ve read a couple of his books and I’m on his mailing list. I like him and what he does. He’s the one who introduced me to Willie Nelson’s new song, Energy Follows Thought. When I saw there was a dowsing workshop that… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration

  • Ellen Lewinberg photo

    Take The First Step to better Health

    That first step is a phone call. Call me at 1 (416) 203-2744. When you do take that first step, we’ll discuss your situation and talk about options for your bioenergy treatments. At that time, we might discover that our group healing clinics are right for you. Individual treatments are always available. (This phone call is free.) What to Expect at our Bioenergy Therapy Session? During your bioenergy session, we ask that you sit in a chair with your hands… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Transformation

  • Ellen Lewinberg in front of a waterfall

    Meet the Teacher — Ellen Lewinberg

    Ellen Lewinberg — the Teacher Ellen Lewinberg has had several careers in her life. She began work as a social worker in South Africa. She continued her training in England, earning a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science. After moving to Canada, Ellen studied to become a psychoanalyst and treated both children and adults in a private practice for more than twenty-nine years. Following a health crisis in 2002 with cancer, Ellen slowed down a… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Healing Transformation, Workshop Announcements

  • Freepik photo: man writing "you can do it"

    You Can Do It!

    Yes, you can heal yourself and others naturally using Bioenergy Therapy. Learn how to heal at one of Healing Transformation’s Workshops each year held during spring and fall in Toronto, Canada. Life can be hectic. It can be full of stressors and confusion during these uncertain times. Becoming a Bioenergy Healer will make you a stronger person, because… Bioenergy Healing                                                                                 Brings your Body, Mind, and Spirit Energies into balance, Restores your immune system which protects you from dis-ease, and Improves… Read more »

    Inspiration, Workshop Announcements

  • Older couple hugging each other

    Husband and Wife Healers

    As I prepared for my spring workshop in 2023 to teach new students how to become Bioenergy Healers, I came across this testimonial from a former client and student. I thought it shows how families can work together to be healthy. Healing naturally is the best medicine. Take care, ~~Ellen P.S. You too can become a Bioenergy Healer. Find out more on our Workshop page.   Originally posted in Testimonials on May 24, 2016. Husband and Wife Healers treat each… Read more »

    Inspiration, Testimonials, Workshop Announcements

  • Clinic art

    Bioenergy Healing Clinics

    Bioenergy Healing Clinics May 9, 11, 16, 18 Online Zoom Clinics Tuesdays and Thursdays 7 to 9pm Toronto, EST time $295 + HST per person for all 4-sessions   The bioenergy we offer at our clinics focuses on strengthening your immune system. Bioenergy works on many levels – body, mind and spirit. We have people with many different diagnoses at the clinic. At present, the clinic seems to contain mostly clients who have been diagnosed with cancer. Bioenergy also helps… Read more »

    Bioenergy Therapy, Clinic Announcements

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