Healing Transformation Events & Blog - meditate

  • Brain Bliss

    Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy by Dawson Church – March 22, 2022 I am currently reading Bliss Brain by science writer Dawson Church. He includes research that he and others have conducted on brain plasticity and meditation. Dawson describes in detail how meditation affects different parts of the brain. His book includes directions on rapidly reaching Bliss Brain using his developed method, EcoMeditation. What interested me about the meditations and why they… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Small Habits

    Small Habits, Big Results Another interesting idea came to me from an advertisement for M.K. Arman’s book “Small Habits, Big Results: The Power of Consistency and Persistence.” The ad read: Reading 20 pages a day equals 30 books a year. Walking ten thousand steps a day equals 20 marathons a year. Never underestimate the power of small habits. I have not read the book, but it sounds promising. However, I would add “meditating” to the list, as meditating for 20… Read more »

    Book Reviews

  • The Power of “Groups”

    The Power of Group Consciousness. I came across an update on the Heart Math Global Consciousness project. Heart Math has placed a network of random number generators worldwide that collect continuous data from the Earth’s magnetic field. They have been monitoring the data for 25 years. I remember first reading about the generators around the time of 9/11 and being amazed when so many people expressed shock at what had happened. When a shared consciousness exists, the random number generators… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Inspiration, Message

  • feet in shoes walking


    Meditating Last May I listened to a lecture on meditation by Nina Fry-Kizler. It was one of the free Friday lectures given by the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS). Fry-Kizler talked about how not all types of meditation suit all people. She walked us through three types of meditation – mindfulness, focused, and movement. Not all meditation involves sitting quietly with your eyes closed. I found the Movement Meditation interesting and invigorating. Nina’s talk got me thinking about meditation in… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Wim Hof photo

    Take a fresh breath; and now jump into an ice bath

    Wim Hof It was through my daughter, Tanya, that I first learned about Wim Hof. She suggested I listen to his podcast. I did and became intrigued. The Iceman Known as the “Iceman,” Wim Hof has done many way-out things in the cold: he climbed Kilimanjaro twice in a pair of shorts, ran a marathon north of the Arctic Circle in shorts, swam under a frozen lake in shorts (ok, probably a bathing suit), and he takes frequent ice baths.… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Butterfly Logo

    Gratitude in a World of Uncertainty

    This was originally published in my November 2020 eNewsletter that I mail through Mailchimp. Enjoy, Ellen Can you believe we are reaching the end of 2020?  November has finally arrived. If you’re like me, this year’s passing comes somewhat of a relief. I am grateful for having survived. Fall Colours As I write this month’s message to you, our leaves here in Toronto continue their spectacular show. The red leaves have mostly dropped, and the yellow leaves shine in their… Read more »

    Downloads, Healing Techniques, Message, Self Help

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