
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - Healing Transformation

  • Book Review: Healing Ourselves

    Dear Readers, In July of 2020, I encouraged you to check out the Consciousness and Healing Initiative 2020 Report compiled by the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) — a nonprofit collaborative of scientists, practitioners, educators, innovators, and artists. You can find the link to the report and my recap at Report: Healing Initiative 2020. The CHI collaborators support a resource library that anyone can use with a link on their website including these articles from a special issue they published.… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Good News Awakening, Healing Techniques

  • A life that saves the World

    Try to live a life that saves the Earth You might be interested in Charles Eisenstein. “When I understand that my very existence at its core is part of the existence of each ecosystem and species around the world, then I know that whatever happens to them is in a way happening to me.” A client introduced me to this philosopher, author, and historian by recommending the documentary The Music Played the Band. I highly recommend you watch it.  … Read more »

    Enlightenment, Good News Awakening, Inspiration

  • Forest Bathing

    Forest Bathing Two years ago, in my newsletter I encouraged you to live in harmony with nature in Survival of the Kindest and mentioned the health benefits of Shinrin-Yoku, the Japanese Art of Forest Bathing. In the January issue of 2022, I once again encouraged you to practice forest bathing in my article about Finland, On Becoming the Happiest Country in the World. Now when a friend mentioned I should write about forest bathing last month, I decided it was time to dedicate… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Healing Techniques, Nature, Self Help

  • The Secret Intelligence of Water

    “Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility.” The Daily OM: A great teacher Dear Friends, I am writing a book about water. I find that it’s just like when you buy a new car, you never notice how popular your new car is until you walk out the door owning it. Now that I am writing this book, I am finding all sorts of interesting experiences, writings,… Read more »

    Articles and Links, Good News Awakening, Inspiration

  • Keeping your health healthy

    Keeping your health What we do every day at Healing Transformation is work with people to improve their health. We help people relieve stress, heal from cancer, or address long-term illnesses like diabetes. Your health is important to us; and we want you to remain healthy in your mind, body, and spirit during these times of uncertainty. Eat for Your Body One of the best ways to keep healthy clearly shines above all others – eating right for your body.… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Self Help, Workshop Announcements

  • Re-evaluate Your Shoes

    Earthing and you We are electrical creatures. Energy flows through us into everything that we touch – and vice versa. This includes the energy to and from the earth where we get our food, water, and shelter. Researchers have discovered that our dependence on Mother Earth is so strong, that we need her energy too. Go Barefoot Our shoes, those with rubber soles, cut us off from the earth’s energy. Now that we know this, it’s time we started going… Read more »

    Inspiration, Nature, Self Help

  • Love Yourself

    During this month of love, there’s one person you need to remember – yourself. Take time for yourself. Do things that make you happy. Surround yourself with people you love. Get out among the trees. Love to you today and every day, ~~Ellen

    Message, Self Help

  • Hiring the Heavens Book Cover

    What a concept! Hire an Angel.

    Here’s a book that opens up possibilities for everyone. Hiring the Heavens: A Practical Guide to Developing Working Relationships with the Spirits of Creation by Jean Slater. Published March 10, 2005, by New World Library. Thousands of angels are waiting to be hired – and you don’t need a crisis to hire them! For example, if you’re starting a business — hire an angel publicist, researcher, accountant, and whoever else you need. Going on a trip to a foreign country?… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Vitality Special Offer

    Boost your immune system Special

    As Seen in Vitality Magazine Special Offer 4-days – 15-minute sessions – CA $200 Boost your Immune System effortlessly Contact me today for a healthy tomorrow 1 (416) 203-2744 Contact Us   It seems like I have been advertising in Vitality Magazine forever. I personally enjoy their articles and frequently reach out to their advertisers. Like all things 2022, Vitality Magazine is moving to total digital to include a monthly newsletter. I decided to try an advertisement with a Boost… Read more »

    Healing Transformation, Special Offer

  • Happiness Practices

    I came across this article in the Greater Good Magazine about a medical office that prescribes Happiness Practices to their patients. I found it to be good advice to help us to be happy — so I decided I would share them here with you to use in the new year. Take a few deep breaths Call an old friend Give someone a hug Help a friend in need Write a thank you note Sing in the shower Dance to… Read more »

    Articles and Links, Inspiration, Self Help

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