
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - Healing Transformation

  • Distance Healing

    Remote Healing Healing Transformation’s practice has changed quite a lot since the start of the pandemic. We used to do remote work when people lived too far away to travel to our offices for a treatment. Now, all the work we do is remote healing – including our clinics. We work the same way during remote healing as we do when clients come into the office. We use our hands to guide energy to an area of dis-ease or to… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Healing Transformation

  • New Beginnings — Spring

    Well, the days are getting longer and warmer, so spring must be coming. Like many of you, I feel spring as a real relief from sheltering inside my home. It feels good to be outdoors. Last week on my walk, I saw the first daffodils poking through the earth. I took a photo of them today and they had grown about three times as big. With the trees, plants, and flowers turning green, I have begun to think about what… Read more »

    Healing Transformation, Inspiration

  • Wim Hof photo

    Take a fresh breath; and now jump into an ice bath

    Wim Hof It was through my daughter, Tanya, that I first learned about Wim Hof. She suggested I listen to his podcast. I did and became intrigued. The Iceman Known as the “Iceman,” Wim Hof has done many way-out things in the cold: he climbed Kilimanjaro twice in a pair of shorts, ran a marathon north of the Arctic Circle in shorts, swam under a frozen lake in shorts (ok, probably a bathing suit), and he takes frequent ice baths.… Read more »

    Healing Techniques, Inspiration, Self Help

  • Butterfly Logo

    Gratitude in a World of Uncertainty

    This was originally published in my November 2020 eNewsletter that I mail through Mailchimp. Enjoy, Ellen Can you believe we are reaching the end of 2020?  November has finally arrived. If you’re like me, this year’s passing comes somewhat of a relief. I am grateful for having survived. Fall Colours As I write this month’s message to you, our leaves here in Toronto continue their spectacular show. The red leaves have mostly dropped, and the yellow leaves shine in their… Read more »

    Downloads, Healing Techniques, Message, Self Help

  • Journal

    Free download: Your Gratitude Journal

    Beginning today, I encourage you to write down things you are grateful to have in your life. Your list can be as simple or as complicated as you like. There are no rules except to have gratitude every day of your life. Plus, research shows that we need to write down at least one thing you feel grateful for every week. Aim for three times per week. Your Gratitude Journal To get you started, we’ve designed three PDFs for you… Read more »

    Downloads, Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Message

  • Healing Transformation's Butterfly

    Subscribe to our eNewsletter

    Please fill out the form below to subscribe to our eNewsletter. (You can unsubscribe anytime. We hope you find it informative so you want to stay with us.) Enjoy as you join others who seek natural healing.   Subscribe Today   Meet our team — check out… Who we are Learn more about Bioenergy Healing at… What is Bioenergy Healing? Plus we’ll bring you updates in our eNewsletter each month on natural healing and give you ideas to help improve… Read more »

    Healing Transformation, Message

  • Indigenous Spirituality Symbol

    A healing message of thanks giving

    “To encourage the process of healing at a global level, we must first change the one thing over which we have real power: ourselves.” The Dance for All People Knowing that we only have power over ourselves, how do we go about healing the world? We start with right now.  Right now, we can do one thing that when combined with other people doing one thing can make a difference. That one thing can be as simple as Taking time… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Good News Awakening, Inspiration

  • Hands giving high five

    Be the change for healing

    Be the change for healing Dear Readers, From my writings, you can tell these last five months have me wondering about our world today and what it will be like tomorrow. We are surrounded by dire headlines, protests, and disasters all over the world — natural and man-made. The results are emotional and physical chaos for us and mother earth. My hope is that we will be able to take advantage of these times resulting in huge CHANGE. I also hope… Read more »

    Good News Awakening, Inspiration, Message

  • Diversity hands holding world globe

    Survival of the Kindest

    We are living in a time of great uncertainty. It’s also a time of immense opportunity for us to begin to live a more meaningful life. In my lifetime I think back to my parents and what the world was like back then. Just before the second world war began, they escaped from Nazi Germany and individually moved to South Africa. We are Jewish. Most of our relatives died during Hitler and his Nazi reign. It was a time of… Read more »

    Enlightenment, Good News Awakening, Message

  • #GoodNewsAwakening Logo

    #GoodNewsAwakening: Intro

    I’ve been in lockdown now since mid-March and have been noticing how so much has changed for the better. There is way less pollution – even where I live, right down-town. I have less dust in my apartment and the noise level is down. The streets and highways I can see from my windows have way fewer cars on them. Statistics are coming in from all over the world about the reduction in pollution. I keep seeing reports about how… Read more »

    Good News Awakening

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