
Healing Transformation Events & Blog - book

  • Small Habits

    Small Habits, Big Results Another interesting idea came to me from an advertisement for M.K. Arman’s book “Small Habits, Big Results: The Power of Consistency and Persistence.” The ad read: Reading 20 pages a day equals 30 books a year. Walking ten thousand steps a day equals 20 marathons a year. Never underestimate the power of small habits. I have not read the book, but it sounds promising. However, I would add “meditating” to the list, as meditating for 20… Read more »

    Book Reviews

  • Cover to Ile D'Or

    Ile D’Or: a Book Review

    Ile D’Or by Mary Lou Dickenson | Inanna Poetry and Fiction Series (November 1, 2012) I met Mary Lou Dickinson by chance when I arranged to see her newly renovated kitchen and bathroom because I was considering using the same contractor. We discovered we were both authors and decided to exchange books. Mary Lou gave me Ile D’Or, and I gave her Joey and His Friend Water. I thoroughly enjoyed Ile D’Or. It made me think of returning to my… Read more »

    Author, Book Reviews

  • Kitchen Chaos as John works to put it togther again.

    The 3-phases of Transition continue.

    Welcome to December! This year is closing out with a bang! You can only guess what I’ve been up to from my November newsletter these past weeks. The three phases of transitioning – beginning, neutral, and ending — continue to influence me to relax more, knowing it’s all a process. This month, I planned to introduce many of you to Brian Swimme. The way he thinks — I find fascinating. In his autobiography Cosmogenesis, he remembers things from his past… Read more »

    Children's Books, Healing Transformation, Self Help

  • Transitions and the 3-phases

    Welcome to November! This month I thought the topic “transitions” would be interesting to discuss. We all go through changes in  our lives. They can be stressful, life changing, and scary. They can cause anxieties, sleeplessness, and more.  They can also be fun and exhilarating. It seems to me that, somehow in life, the only thing that is constant is change. William Bridges (1933–2013), an authority on change and transition, describes transition as… “…the inner psychological process that people go… Read more »

    Healing Transformation, Self Help, Travel

  • Book cover: The signature of all things

    The Signature of all things – plants

    The Signature of all things is all about plants From Gilbert’s website, the tag line for the book is: “A glorious, sweeping novel of desire, ambition, and the thirst for knowledge.” Sounds about right. The book spans the fictional life of Alma Whittaker. Alma was born in the 1800’s to one of the wealthiest families in Philadelphia. Growing up surrounded by her family’s expansive estate, Alma becomes fascinated with botany. This is not surprising as her father, Henry Whittaker, made… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Nature

  • Cover art from Joey and his friend Water Children's Book by Ellen Lewinberg

    My Children’s Book is Available

    Hello! I am excited to introduce to you my first book – Joey and His Friend Water. I wrote this book for children and hope that many of them will be able to read it themselves and others will have parents, grandparents, and caregivers read to them. You can find it on Amazon and Kindle. I’m also speaking with local book sellers to include my book on their shelves. It’s been an amazing process. I will keep you posted. Synopsis… Read more »

    Author, Children's Books

  • Book Cover: The Physics of God

    The Physics of God: A Book Review

    The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science by Joseph Selbie | New Page Books (October 1, 2021) 2nd Edition   I found The Physics of God by Joseph Selbie completely fascinating. The book addresses how the science of religion and the modern (quantum physics) science of reality are fully congruent with one another. His writing style is easy to read and understand. The examples he gives… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Enlightenment, Self Help

  • Download a Free eBook on Healing Cancer

    Download for free my first eBook. 10 Ideas to help you cope and heal from cancer Cancer_Healing Transformation eBook 2022 Spring Final Motivation Reminder Poster 10 ideas to help you heal Poster Meanwhile, take care of yourself. ~~Ellen P.S. If you wish to read on your phone, my blog has the same information and is made to read on a smart phone or tablet. 10 Ideas to Help You Cope and Heal from Cancer

    Downloads, Healing Techniques

  • 10 Ideas to Help You Cope and Heal from Cancer

    I’ve been diagnosed with cancer…Now what?!? 10 Ideas to Help You Cope and Heal from Cancer   Download the eBook Here: Cancer: 10 ideas to help you cope | Free eBook An Introduction to my new eBook If you read my bio, you know that I spent 30 years working as a psychoanalyst. During that time, I became interested in shamanism and other forms of healing. A health crisis in 2002 gave me the impetus to study alternative approaches to… Read more »

    Articles and Links, Healing Techniques, Message

  • Hiring the Heavens Book Cover

    What a concept! Hire an Angel.

    Here’s a book that opens up possibilities for everyone. Hiring the Heavens: A Practical Guide to Developing Working Relationships with the Spirits of Creation by Jean Slater. Published March 10, 2005, by New World Library. Thousands of angels are waiting to be hired – and you don’t need a crisis to hire them! For example, if you’re starting a business — hire an angel publicist, researcher, accountant, and whoever else you need. Going on a trip to a foreign country?… Read more »

    Book Reviews, Inspiration, Self Help

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