10 Ways to Better Health:
Take the Holistic Approach.
I’m a strong believer in the holistic approach to healing – mind, body, and spirit. In bioenergy healing, we work on your whole being. In treatment, we focus on aligning your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.
However, to stay healthy, many things are important. Eating a well-balanced diet, having a positive attitude, and exercising are three important ones.
Facebook Nurse
This blog post started with a Facebook post by Nurse Amanda Wilcox. She brought forward some ideas that questioned conventional medicine. Amanda repeatedly asked why medical doctors don’t tell us about natural ways of healing. Her questions gave me food for thought and I decided I would share with you her ten ways to better health.
Links to anything I reference can be found in the Sources section at the end of the blog.
Why is this Important to You?
When you approach health holistically and introduce natural healing through foods, herbs, minerals, and lifestyle – you gain greater control over your health and well-being.
Here are some evidence-based alternatives that don’t involve pills and prescriptions that will give you some knowledge and encouragement to explore holistic approaches to health.
1. Magnesium vs. Stool Softeners
Nurse Amanda asked the question: why don’t doctors tell you to take magnesium instead of stool softeners?
Research shows that magnesium can be a natural and effective solution for constipation. It’s like a gentle ….. nudge for your digestive system. Magnesium helps your heath in other ways as well. One of my clients who is working through a cancer diagnosis takes a magnesium drink at bedtime. This has helped her to sleep better and avoid leg cramps.
There are many foods that include magnesium. A “Healthline” (2023) article lists some of the most magnesium filled foods you can eat. These include “…pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, boiled spinach, almonds, cashews, black beans, edamame, peanut butter, brown rice, salmon, halibut, and avocados.” I like and eat almost all of those regularly.
2. Dietary Changes for Heartburn and Indigestion
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you to change your diet when you have heartburn and indigestion instead of giving you a pill?
Well, instead of relying on medications, change your diet. Research from “Harvard Medical School” (2023) suggests that simple dietary tweaks can make a big difference. Your food choices matter more than you might think!
Harvard recommends avoiding spicy and fried foods. Taking this further, I encourage journaling foods as you eat them which will help you know your “triggers.” Some of the triggering culprits Harvard mentions include “chocolate, caffeine, onions, peppermint, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.” Oh my!
3. The Healing Properties of Herbs and Spices
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you that herbs and spices are healing?
Herbs and spices aren’t just for flavour – they can be your allies in the quest for health. “Healthline” (2023) provides us with nine herbs and spices that reveal their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory superpowers. These include ginger, garlic, turmeric, cardamom, black pepper, ginseng, green tea, rosemary, and cinnamon. These are all spices that I use on a regular basis.
4. Reducing Toxic Chemical Exposure
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you to lower the toxic chemicals in your home when you have allergies and constant headaches?
Toxic chemicals lurking in your home, and even in the air, could be behind those chronic headaches and allergies. Reducing chemical exposure can be a game-changer. Your home should be a sanctuary, not a toxic minefield. As an example, I use scent free natural products for cleaning and laundry, and personal hygiene.
I went to “Treehugger.com” (2018) to learn more on the subject of reducing household chemical exposure. I found an excellent article that gives real advice about keeping toxic chemicals out of your home. For example, they suggest you make your own cleaning chemicals, and they link you up to recipes. One of their suggestions is taking off your outdoor shoes to stop tracking in some of these toxic “forever chemicals.” In Japan this is expected of you.
TreeHugger also recommends watching a 2013 documentary – “The Human Experiment.” I have a link to it in my resource section below. I have not watched this yet as I am going on vacation in October. I’ll check it out on my return.
Some of you might have heard of the “dirty dozen.” The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a list of fruits and vegetables that contain the highest level of pesticides. This list includes strawberries and blueberries. You will want to take extra care on rinsing these fruits and vegetables. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2021) offers tips on how best to protect your family.
An article in “ThoughtCo” (2023) has a list of dangerous household chemicals on its website. Air fresheners and candles are on their list. I suggest that my clients not use them except for beeswax candles as they have no additives.
5. The Power of Grapefruit
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you to eat a grapefruit every day to lower cholesterol?
You might not expect it, but a grapefruit can be a hero for your heart. People who take statins to lower their cholesterol are told not to eat grapefruit because it also lowers cholesterol – only naturally. An article in “Johns Hopkins Medicine” talks about that and other benefits of eating grapefruit.
6. Activated Charcoal for Various Ailments
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you to use activated charcoal for headaches, bloating, gas, skin issues, colds, and food poisoning?
Activated charcoal’s ability to adsorb toxins has been well-documented. In fact, many emergency rooms use activated charcoal for some poisonings.
I personally bring activated charcoal with me on all my travels. I found it works for relieving diarrhea. This practice started during my Shamanic tours with Mbali Mariais in South Africa. Mbali always recommended we bring activated charcoal with us.
7. Immune and Digestive Support
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors tell you to take herbs and herbal tea to support your immune and digestive functions?
Herbal teas aren’t just cozy companions on a chilly night. Research shows that they can give your immune and digestive systems a helping hand and more. “Healthline” (2023) has a list of ten herbal teas and their benefits for you to try. I drink herbal teas daily. My personal favorites are elderberry and Echinacea.
8. Daily Probiotic Use
Nurse Amanda asks: Why isn’t your doctor suggesting you take probiotics daily?
Probiotics aren’t just a buzzword – they’re your gut’s best friend. Ongoing studies find that probiotics can boost your immune system, keep your gut in check, and even help prevent allergies and colds.
“Harvard Medical Publishing” (2022) list some common foods full of probiotics. These include yogurt — especially plain Greek yogurt, kefir – a tangy dairy drink – and fermented vegetables such as pickles or sauerkraut. Time to make friends with those friendly bacteria!
9. Holistic Diet and Lifestyle Plans
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors create diet and lifestyle plans for their patients?
I feel we can do that for ourselves. Instead of just popping pills, why not consider personalized diet and lifestyle plans? The World Health Organization (WHO) found that food choices and being active play a massive role in preventing chronic diseases and promoting well-being. I’ve recommended many books through the years that touch upon healing ourselves through diet and activity. One book is “The Personalized Diet.” It’s about embracing a lifestyle that loves your body back.
10. The Emotional Connection
Nurse Amanda asks: Why don’t doctors teach you that your emotions stored in your physical body can cause you mental and physical anguish?
Your emotions aren’t just in your head – they’re in your body too! According to “Scientific America” our brains connect directly to our immune systems. Norman Cousins popularized the saying “happiness is the best medicine.” He cured his cancer by watching funny movies.
Stress and anxiety cause illnesses. It’s time to recognize that our feelings are a vital part of our wellness and the more we can reduce the stress in our lives, the better off we are.
It’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who is open to holistic methods and evidence-based practices. They can help you embrace a proactive and holistic approach to health and healing.
Also, some natural foods may interfere with your medications, especially if you are receiving treatment for long term illnesses like heart disease or cancer. It’s important that you talk to your medical professional before starting any new regime.
Here’s to a healthier, happier you!
Source links:
- Nurse Amanda Wilcox
- Healthline – 12 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Magnesium
- Harvard Medical School – What to eat when you have chronic heartburn
- Health line – 9 Herbs and Spices That Fight Inflammation
- Mayo Clinic – Home Remedies: Herbal supplements may not mix with heart medicines
- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – Air Pollution and Your Health
- Government of Canada – Canadian Cancer Statistics 2021
- TreeHugger – How to Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Home
- Documentaries for a Better World – The Human Experiment (2013)
- The Environmental Working Group – 2023 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration – 7 Tips for Cleaning Fruits, Vegetables
- ThoughtCo – Dangerous Household Chemicals
- Johns Hopkins Medicine – Grapefruit Benefits
- National Library of Medicine – Association of Drinking Herbal Tea with Activities of Daily Living among Elderly: A Latent Class Analysis
- Healthline – 10 Healthy Herbal Teas You Should Try
- Harvard Health Publishing – Should you take probiotics?
- World Health Organization – Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- Healing Transformation – The Personalized Diet: The Pioneering Program to Lose Weight and Prevent Disease
- National Library of Medicine – Activated Charcoal
- UCLA Magazine – Laughing All the Way
- Scientific America – How Happiness Boosts the Immune System
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