Month: January 2022

Zach Bush MD

“Curiosity is the most powerful force on earth.”

From Dr. Zach Bush website

In 2021 I was introduced to Dr. Zach Bush, a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Hospice/Palliative care. Dr. Zach Bush stresses the importance of a healthy soil for our own health. He believes that damage to our bodies is due to stress and to the contaminants in our soil, water, and air.

According to Dr Zach, we must repair the damage chemical farming has done to the soil. He encourages us to be active in bringing biodiversity back to our soil. He’s found that organic farming can be just as harmful as regular farming if the soil still holds on to the chemicals used in the past.

Farmers need to feed the soil back to its natural, healthy state without using chemicals.

The biodiversity in the soil is just as important as the biodiversity in our guts. Dr. Zach expands that “the microbiome has now come to be seen as the foundation of human life, health, and most interesting to me – human consciousness itself.”

For more information on healing our bodies and ourselves, check out Zach Bush, MD’s website. There you will find educational videos on everything from our brain health to nutrition.

More of Dr. Bush

You might also want to check out Dr. Zach’s interview with Kelly Noonan Gores of The Heal. This interview offers a good explanation of what we need to do to support a regenerative movement to the soil and microbiome of the planet — Zach Bush MD: Regenerative Farming, Degenerative Pharma, and The Microbiome of Our Bodies and The Planet.  He shares how to “support biology, biodiversity, Mother Nature, as well as the inner-terrain of our own microbiome to create a new health paradigm for the future.”

This is a movement that we all need to support to bring about a healthy world of humanity and the planet.

Another great interview with Dr. Zach is by Lacy Phillips. Ep. 172 – Zach Bush MD – Tapping into Inner Wisdom & Stillness


Happiness Practices

I came across this article in the Greater Good Magazine about a medical office that prescribes Happiness Practices to their patients. I found it to be good advice to help us to be happy — so I decided I would share them here with you to use in the new year.

Medical Symbol

            1. Take a few deep breaths
            2. Call an old friend
            3. Give someone a hug
            4. Help a friend in need
            5. Write a thank you note
            6. Sing in the shower
            7. Dance to your favorite song
            8. Go for a walk in a beautiful place
            9. Forgive someone
            10. Talk to yourself in a kinder voice

Get inspired. Go to the full article for details.

10 Happiness Practices a doctor prescribes to his patients

 Happy New Year!


Breath – the New Science of a Lost Art

Did you know mouth breathing changes your whole body for the worse? Those are the findings in James Nestor’s bestselling book Breath – The New Science of a Lost Art. The book is full of scientific reasons to make breathing correctly a priority in your life. He talks about how chronic insomnia is a breathing problem and how the lungs regulate your weight. Fascinating.

As a child, James had problems breathing through his nose, so he was a mouth breather. Eventually he taped up his mouth to force him to breathe through his nose.  It worked and prompted him to explore the art and science of breathing. It’s a good book. I recommend it.

Take a long breath,


P.S. Check out James Nestor’s website. There you will find some helpful breathing exercises on video he’s sharing with us for free. Enjoy.

On becoming the happiest country in the world

“Finland ranks as the world’s happiest country based on the 2021 report, with a score of 7.842 out of a total possible score of 10. The report writers credited the citizens of Finland’s strong feelings of communal support and mutual trust with not only helping secure the #1 ranking, but (more importantly) helping the country as a whole navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, Finlanders felt strongly that they were free to make their own choices, and showed minimal suspicion of government corruption. Both of these factors are strong contributors to overall happiness.”


If you are interested in the hows and whys Finland became the happiest country in the world, I recommend you read The Sisterhood of the Enchanted Forest – Sustenance, Wisdom, and Awakening in Finland’s Karelia by Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle. Pegasus Books published The Sisterhood on October 5, 2021.I found it a fascinating read. This book shows us what a democracy should look like.

A democratically run country like Finland can offer the best healthcare, best education, and cleanest environment all the while providing equal access for all. This includes treating motherhood and fatherhood as equal partners in raising children.

The premise of The Sisterhood of the Enchanted Forest answers the question:

“What would happen if you built one of the world’s most advanced societies inside a forest—and strove to make women full partners in power?”

You get Finland – and in Finland, an equal number of males and females serve in government.

One of the reasons for Finland’s success started decades ago and continues today. Women form sisterhoods to help others. For example, sisterhoods would reach out to teach people how to cook with healthy ingredients. When families improved their diets, sturdies found that illnesses like heart disease declined.

Respecting Nature

Sisterhoods also taught people to forage in the nearby forests while enjoying nature. Every town in Finland has a forest nearby so they can easily surround themselves in nature. Preserving natural habitats has been a priority to the people of Finland.

Their enjoyment and respect for nature reminds me of the Japanese Art of Forest Bathing called Shinrin – Yoku. Here we have two different cultures, finding greater health and happiness by emerging themselves in nature. We have a lot to learn.

Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year!

~~ Ellen

Relieve Pain Naturally  

Pain from Anxiety

We’re into the New Year and it’s time to get your energy flowing throughout your body to relieve your pain naturally.

Pain from Anxiety



When you’re receiving bioenergy healing treatments, we may focus on your liver, a cancer spot, or your brain – but your whole being finds relief from pain and anxiety. That’s the beauty of energy treatments — we work with your whole body getting it back into balance to heal itself.

Pain and dis-ease occur when your body, mind, and/or spirit are out of balance. By aligning the energy in and around you – you’ll heal more quickly from things like strained muscles, back pain, and surgery.

Athletes often heal more quickly from their injuries with bioenergy sessions.

Most of my clients combine bioenergy treatments with traditional medical practices. We work together. Bioenergy is a natural way to improve your life. Often it is life changing.

Call me today to set up an appointment for a better future at 1 (416) 203-2744 or email me at



P.S. Go to our one-on-one treatment page for details.