Month: February 2025

Bioenergy versus Biofield; their effect on cancer

Hi everyone!

I am writing this blog on the first warm day over the last few weeks (8 degrees Celsius 😊), Not sure one can call that warm, but the snow that has been piled high for more than a week is starting to melt! Not really my kind of weather, having grown up in South Africa, but I guess it is expected at this time of the year in Canada. I feel very lucky that I was able to getaway to Oaxaca, Mexico for a few days. It was wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun, enjoy the wonderful flowering trees, and the amazing food.

This month I want to talk about some research I came across, once again, through the Institute of Noetic Science. The title of the talk was, “Can Biofield Therapy Influence Pancreatic Cancer Cells”.

The first thing that stuck me was the name ‘biofield therapy’. I have always called the work I do ‘bioenergy therapy’. I like new “biofield’ designation because it describes what I do better than bioenergy. I am using the energy that is all around us (in the field) and offering it to a client’s body in order to help clients heal and bring their bodies into balance.

Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Domancic therapy, Pranic healing, Shamanic therapy, Bengston Therapy, and many other biofield therapies have been used for a very long time – and some studies have reported positive effects, including reduced pain and anxiety, enhanced immune response, and changes in cancer-related biomarkers. They mention that skepticism still persists and the results are often explained as being due to the placebo effect.

This study described work done with the Bengston Method. Bill Bengston’s early research used mice as the subject, so that the placebo effect explanation cannot be used.

Arnaud Delorme PhD. conducted this new study at MD Anderson Cancer Center, at the University of Texas. The study was designed to examine whether biofield therapy can influence cancer cells in a controlled laboratory setting. The study’s authors also measured whether there were any physiological changes in the practitioner during the session.

The results were interesting. There were changes indicating intense focus on the part of the practitioner compared to the control group and changes in the cancer cells as well. The invasiveness of the cancer cells was reduced.

The study concludes that more research needs to be done to ensure there are no other explanations for the changes. This seems to be the conclusion of many studies on biofield therapy, no matter that there are now hundreds of studies on the topic.

I certainly know that the work I do changes symptoms, no matter the issue. If you would like to learn a bit about the study, you can find it at Can Biofield Therapy Influence Pancreatic Cancer Cells? December 19, 2024 IONS Science Team

And, if you would like to learn more about the work I do with bioenergy/biofield healing, you can check out my website

Have you had a chance to look at Joey and His Friend Water yet?

I’m so excited to share my book with you, a story that explores the incredible ways everything around us is connected through energy – from people and plants, to  rocks and water. Joey and His Friend Water brings to life the importance of the water cycle, mycelium, and trees, and even how water responds to words and emotions, reminding us all of our role in healing our planet.

If you’re interested in purchasing Joey and His Friend Water, you can find it online, including at Amazon

Are you interested in Energy Healing?

Are you struggling with a chronic illness such as cancer, diabetes, or another dis-ease? Do you suffer from the side effects of chemo or radiation? Or, do you simply want to bring your body back into balance, and strengthen your immune system? If so, you may be interested in scheduling healing sessions with me.

You can contact me at 416-203-2744 or you can visit my website at to learn more about me and energy treatment.

Testimonial – received October 2024

“Hi Ellen, it’s been a long time and I have been remiss in getting you my awesome news 
. all clear and cancer free! I received the great news a while back and have been singing your praises for months, but never passed on my formal thank you and appreciation for your help on my healing journey. My meditation continues, and my body is feeling less and less of those inflammatory issues and discomfort 
. Thanks again for helping change by life 
 Be well, Sean”

Hope to hear from you. Ellen