Testimonial Category: Energy Treatments

All Clear and Cancer Free

October 29, 2024
All Clear and Cancer Free

I just received this message today from an old client, Sean

“Hi Ellen, it’s been a long time and I have been remiss in getting you my awesome news …. all clear and cancer free! I received the great news a while back and have been singing your praises for months, but never passed on my formal thank you and appreciation for your help on my healing journey. My meditation continues, and my body is feeling less and less of those inflammatory issues and discomfort …. Thanks again for helping change by life … Be well, Sean


November 26, 2023

Ellen Lewinberg has my highest recommendation. Her treatments over several sessions have led me to a sense of balance, equilibrium, of feeling fully embodied. Her presence is calm and the subtle work is unbelievably powerful. A diagnosis of macular degeneration and epiretinal wrinkle in my eyes threatened my sight, but with Ellen, they have significantly improved so that I am able to read without strain. I am grateful too for her background as a psychoanalyst so that trauma could be released on a conscious as well as somatic and emotional level.

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